Written by: Therese Joffre, Website Manager
Adriana Mirabelli is a senior at Hope College pursuing a major in English and a minor in biology. She is from Port Huron, Michigan. Other than TEDxHopeCollege, she is involved in the STEP leadership team, 2020 orientation, and is a chair on the Pre-Health Professions Club.
Adriana's role on the team works closely with the Licensed Organizer, Marketing Lead, and the Website Manager. Her job is to curate a unique and interactive event experience for all our attendees. This entails contacting outside services, coordinating with Hope College, and connecting with various areas around campus.
She wanted to join the executive team because the TED message of "ideas worth spreading" is very crucial for our Hope College community—now more than ever. She is excited and humbled to have the opportunity to create an event for all areas of Hope College where they can connect and learn together. She is most excited to see our Hope community come together to uplift and listen to other. Especially since this past year raised a lot of hard and uncomfortable issues. The theme "turning the tables" means "shifting the narrative in order to disrupt the status quo" to Adriana.
If Adriana were to give a TEDx talk, the topic would breaks down how rape culture is internalized and perpetuated. Something that Adriana is talented is sudoku puzzles! One irrational fear she has is being stranded in the middle of the ocean. However, if she could live anywhere it would be Iceland, which is quite close to the ocean. Finally, Adriana would like to master the stand-up bass.
